A Chartered Accountant by qualification and a senior Corporate Banker by profession, I spent more than 26 years in senior positions at leading… Read More…
The world we know is rapidly changing. Our children are headed to a future with exponential growth in technology and artificial intelligence. With unlimited access to information, children are more aware, more exposed, more informed and more distracted than ever. The changing social and economic landscape demands not just strong academic scores from them, but a greater breadth of skills such as emotional intelligence, creativity, adaptability, service oriented, complex problem solving, stress management, and critical thinking.
While every parent wants the best for their child, is our system of raising this generation really equipped to cope with what lies ahead?
Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck. With a passion to help children and parents gear up for the world of tomorrow, ‘Ananda’ was born. Nurtured with ancient Eastern philosophy and modern science, Ananda is an integrated programme committed to cultivating the wellness of children ages 6 to 16. Knowledge is for the mind, Experience is for body. Honouring the mind and body connectedness, our comprehensive approach is designed to foster your child’s natural talents and set them up for lifelong success.
At Ananda, it is our mission to create high achievers. Using our unique integrated approach, we are invested in changing the inner world of our children, helping them install new patterns, keep a fertile environment within and align with nature to solidify the new, empowering change.
Through our programme, we inculcate lifelong habits and offer tools and techniques to bring them from rigid to mobility, from doubt to certainty, from lack to abundance, empowering them for true success in their lives and livelihood.
Ananda is an integrated programme for complete inner wellness; with immense benefit to both children and adults. Priority is given to children and so the prime evening hours are especially reserved for them.