
Ananta - Corporate Coaching program

Yoga Wellness Center in Dubai “We only deliver the best."

Ananta, our Corporate Coaching program provides a supportive space for all employees, including Managers, Senior Managers and Top Management to explore their full potential, management style and to maximise business Impact. Customised to suit each employee’s role in the organization, our bespoke coaching covers a wide range of personal, people skill and leadership qualities to improve organizational culture and change from working in silos to teamwork, improve skills like emotional intelligence, creativity, decision making, problem solving, cognitive flexibility and connectivity.

Inner Wellness especially in today’s constantly changing times, matters because it is reflected in every action we take and every emotion we feel. It has become even more important  to achieve inner wellness in order to overcome stress, feel whole, at peace and joyful.

Our Coaching sessions are personally led by founder Anita Raina, who is a qualified Chartered Accountant and an Ex Senior Corporate Banker by profession. She has spent more than 26 years in senior positions at leading global banks and has a first-hand understanding of the dynamics in a high-power Corporate environment. She along with the four other coaches deliver the integrated program, which includes, viz, Hatha Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama, Sound Energy, Nutrition, Lifestyle and goal setting modules.

Atmaanaan delivers customised programs based on requirements of the Corporate. The program aligns personal and organisational goals in order to achieve the best for all stakeholders. It can also be delivered as a wholesome package which includes not only aligning the goals but also improving emotional, physical and mental health of the team. These modules include the six modules as mentioned above. We at Atmaanaan teach each individual to reconnect with themselves and become a better version of themselves.

Ananta is a simple yet powerful program to overcome ones limiting beliefs and emotional baggage in order to enable us to unleash our true potential.

Chronic employee health conditions cost companies millions of dirhams. If preventive measures are taken, we can not only save in terms of productivity lost due to absenteeism and health care costs but also develop each individual to work to their full potential, which will improve the profitability of the company and have happy employees.

Get in touch with us for a complete transformative wellness coaching experience.

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